Abjar Apps Dev. التطبيقات

Mihrabi - محرابي 3.5.0
Abjar Apps Dev.
Have you ever thought of attaching your heartto mosques?! Do you know that one of the seven types of peopleshaded on the Day of Judgement is whose heart attached to mosques?Mihrabi App connects you to mosques in any moment; It guides youto the nearest mosque wherever you're, and notifies you before theprayer time to get ready to pray, and it provides you with mosquesevents like lectures, khutbah, course or other activities occurringin mosques to stay in connection. Mihrabi includes complete pagesfor Imams and Guides in your region to easily find their upcomingevents and activities.Not only that, but Mihrabi is also a niche social network forMuslim communities specialized in connecting friends around theirlocal Mosque or Musallah. You can check in into a mosque, sharethat with your friends, provide tips and notes about mosques, andcomment on friends' check-ins as well. Our LIKE is Takabbal Allah!!.. Join us today and say it through Mihrabi to your friends tomotivate them to pray.Mihrabi gives you a great opportunity to use the followingfeatures:1. As a mobile application that aware of mosques, Mihrabi canguide you to the nearest mosque or Musallah in your area. You canuse it while traveling or search to explore mosques around you.2. Mosque events and activities are all available for you onMihrabi. You can invite friends to attend an event and have apersonal calendar for you for all your events you like toattend.3. Mihrabi has complete pages for public figures along withtheir upcoming events in mosques and Islamic centers4. You can follow a mosque to get notified with its events5. You can follow a public figure to get notified with hisupcoming events6. Mihrabi provides prayer time notifications that comes alongwith the nearest mosque4. You can add your friends to Mihrabi, and socialize with themin many way around mosques. You can see their check-ins in a mosqueor musallah, you can review friends' feedback about mosques theyprayed in, you can encourage them by liking and commenting on theirmosque prayers, and you can find in each mosque your friends whoare praying in it, which gives you a great opportunity to meetup.5. Mihrabi motivates you and your friend to pray using acompetition concept in which a leaderboard will show who among youhas the most mosque prayers, and your order among your friend.6. You can also use Mihrabi as a personal tool to track yourprayersInstall Mihrabi now and have your heart attached to mosques.Motivate your friends to pray and participate with us in addingmore mosques and events to make them available to other brothersand sisters. Your opinion matters very much to us, please give usyour feedback to develop and enhance Mihrabi. Jazak AllahKhairan.